Amigos Developers & Estates


Buildings are man’s most visible creations. The three main elements are Elegance, Rigidity and Utility. Architectural design provides the balance and coordination among these three elements without one overpowering the other. Creating architectural designs is a work of art and beauty, science and engineering, values and beliefs, friendship and team-working. It is one of life’s rewarding activities, bringing together a wide range of personalities, skills and expertise. Architectural services generally involve certain core activities like, receiving and understanding the brief, agreeing how to proceed and gathering data

  • Feasibility studies & assessment
  • Concept design / outline design
  • Design development
  • Construction development
  • Inspection
  • Post-occupancy evaluation

Our residential design practice varies from the most simple & inexpensive of holiday homes to sophisticated skyscraper apartments and luxurious individual villas. Architectural design of residence, by necessity, incorporates planning, furnishings, lighting and also a multitude of details that add up to architecture. In every case, the finished home embodies the individual choices of the owner and the design concept of the architect. We make sure that our architectural design solves problem and adds value.


NOC for Educational Sectors

Structural design is the application of fixed and repetitive mathematical formulae. We are equipped with the latest software and advanced engineering practices to manage the complicated processes of structural consulting, design and analysis. We provide quick solutions to the requirements of local, national and international client base which includes industries, designing & building contractors and architects.

Our services cover Structural Consultation, Structural Analysis & Design, Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation, Soil Report Evaluation Schedule, Design calculations, Construction method statements, Bar Bending Schedule, etc.


Civil construction falls in the category of civil engineering which is all about designing, constructing and maintaining the physical and naturally built environment. The stability of the design will serve as the foundation of civil construction. The contracts are executed in accordance with special patterns and schedules by our team of experienced and trustworthy civil engineers, who manage our projects.